Counting cards in blackjack is a strategy that has fascinated gamblers and casino enthusiasts for decades

05 oktober 2023
Peter Mortensen

It is a method used to keep track of the cards dealt in a game and predict the likelihood of winning hands. In this article, we will explore the intricacies of blackjack counting cards, its historical development, and what you need to know if you are interested in casino games.

I. Introduction to Blackjack Counting Cards

Blackjack counting cards is a technique employed by players to gain an edge over the casino. The basic premise is to keep track of the cards that have been dealt and use this information to gauge the probability of certain cards remaining in the deck. By doing so, players can adjust their betting and playing decisions accordingly, increasing their chances of winning.

Here are some important points to know about blackjack counting cards:

– It is not illegal: Contrary to popular belief, counting cards is not illegal. However, casinos frown upon it and may ask players to leave if they are suspected of using this strategy. It is essential to be discreet and not draw attention to yourself while counting cards.

– It requires practice: Counting cards effectively requires practice and mastery. It is not a skill that can be learned overnight. Players need to develop a keen ability to keep track of the cards while maintaining a calm and composed demeanor.

– Several counting systems exist: There are various counting systems available to players, such as the Hi-Lo system, the KO system, and the Omega II system. Each system assigns values to different cards, enabling players to keep a running count of the deck.

– Card counting is not foolproof: While counting cards can give players an advantage, it is not a guarantee of winning. It merely improves the odds in the player’s favor. Factors like luck, skill, and proper strategy also play a significant role in the outcome of a game.

II. Historical Development of Blackjack Counting Cards


The practice of counting cards in blackjack dates back to the 1950s when a mathematician named Edward Thorp published his book “Beat the Dealer.” This seminal work introduced the concept of card counting to the masses and revolutionized the way blackjack was played.

Thorp’s book revealed that with the right knowledge and skill, players could gain an edge over the casino. He developed the first basic strategy for blackjack, which outlined the optimal moves based on the player’s hand and the dealer’s upcard. The book also introduced the fundamental Hi-Lo counting system, which remains one of the most popular counting systems used today.

Since then, blackjack counting cards has evolved and adapted. Casinos began implementing multiple decks and reshuffling the cards more frequently to counteract card counters. This led to the development of more advanced counting systems, such as the Omega II system and the Hi-Opt II system, which assign different values to different cards and provide a more accurate count.

Today, technology has further transformed the landscape of card counting. Many casinos now use automatic shuffling machines and continuous shuffling machines, making it nearly impossible to count cards effectively. However, some players still practice the art of counting cards in live casinos where manual shuffling is employed.

III. How to Count Cards in Blackjack

Counting cards in blackjack involves assigning a value to each card that is dealt. The most popular counting system, the Hi-Lo system, assigns the following values:

– Cards 2 to 6: +1

– Cards 7 to 9: 0

– Cards 10 to Ace: -1

To count cards effectively, players must keep a running count of the cards as the game progresses. They can do this by mentally adding and subtracting the assigned values for each card that is dealt. A high positive count indicates that more low-value cards have been played, favoring the remaining cards’ higher value. Conversely, a negative count signifies that more high-value cards are remaining.

When the count is positive, players should increase their bets, as the probability of getting blackjack or a favorable hand is higher. Conversely, when the count is negative or neutral, players should reduce their bets.

It is crucial to note that card counting requires concentration and focus. Distractions can disrupt the count, leading to inaccurate predictions. Additionally, it is essential to practice counting cards outside of a casino setting before attempting it in a live game.

In conclusion, blackjack counting cards is a strategy that can give players an edge in the game of blackjack. While it is not illegal, casinos may ask players to leave if they suspect card counting. It requires practice, skill, and a deep understanding of different counting systems. The historical development of card counting has seen it evolve to counteract new casino measures. Remember, counting cards is not a guaranteed way to win; it merely improves the odds. With dedication and practice, players can enhance their blackjack experience using this strategy.


Can card counting guarantee a win in blackjack?

No, card counting does not guarantee a win in blackjack. It improves the odds in the player's favor but factors like luck, skill, and proper strategy also play a significant role in the outcome of the game.

Is counting cards in blackjack illegal?

No, counting cards in blackjack is not illegal. However, casinos may ask players to leave if they are suspected of using this strategy.

Which is the most popular counting system in blackjack?

The Hi-Lo system is the most popular counting system in blackjack. It assigns values to each card and helps players keep a running count of the deck.

Flere Nyheder